Losing Your Workout Mojo

So it happens to the best of us.  We all want to be as committed as possible to our workouts and try to set a schedule that we can stick to.  The best intentions fail us sometimes, simply because we aren't into it.  I know recently for me I would get downstairs, put on the hand wraps, stick in the ear buds, blast the music and thought I was "ready to go", then as soon as I would start my warm-up I would want to bail on the workout.  My past two workouts have been like this.  Wednesday night, I got all ready to go and started my warm-up, then I looked over to the washer and dryer and saw all the clothes that needed to be washed and folded.  Not to mention I got a later than normal start thanks to Angry Birds Rio..lol.  Today I sat down and wrote out a work-out schedule for the next week along with a food menu that I could stick to so I didn't order pizza or Chinese.

Listed below are eight things that you can do to keep your motivation to workout and keep going!
1.  Take a before and after picture. You are probably not going to notice a change in yourself by looking in the mirror every day, but you will over time.  Plus, an unflattering picture of yourself may serve as extra motivation to workout and trim your fat.

2.  Reward yourself. BUT, not with food.  Little rewards can serve as huge motivation to workout and stay disciplined.

3.  Schedule your workouts. I know if I write them down or put them into the Weight Watchers tracker I am less likely to skip.

4.  Workout when you have the most energy - early in the morning or in the afternoon - rather than at night. A long day at work or watching the kids may leave you tired, stressed, and lacking motivation at the end of the day.  I know that this doesn't work for everyone, I know my "prime" time is just after I put my son to bed, about 7:30pm.  If I sit down I'm done, I have to put him to bed, put on the workout clothes and GO! 

5.  Buy clothes. Buy clothes that "fit" and get rid of the clothes that are too big.  This kinda forces your hand to stay where you are or smaller.  Nothing feels better than fitting into a smaller size.

6.  Track weight and measurements. Especially for those just starting their workouts, weight can be deceptive and a daily look at the scale may be the biggest source of losing motivation.  When I began boxing I noticed my waist, arms, thighs all got smaller.  So when the scale read that I was "up" a few pounds, my clothes sure didn't show it!

7.  Make long and short term goals. To keep your eye on the larger goal, you have to focus on a series of smaller goals.

8.  Stay Positive and have a support system in place! 


  1. I was doing really well for a couple of weeks by doing the 30 Day Shred when I put my baby down for naps-then my knees started killing me:( I just need to get new shoes and haven't had the time/money to go. Hopefully your blog will keep me motivated-you would think swimsuit season would! Thanks!! Bridget from www.bumluxury.blogspot.com

  2. Great ideas here. Thank you. Encouragement like this really helps.


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