Believe It to Achieve It

Set a big resolution?

Keep up your can do attitude for three weeks and you could see it thru!  Researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign found that among former couch potatoes who consistently worked out three times per week, those who scored high on their scale of confidence in their capabilities on day 21 stuck to their new regimen for the rest of the year.

So basically you've now developed a "habit" and your motivation is simply auto-pilot.  Now going to the gym seems like a cinch rather than a chore.  Here are three strategies to keep your motivation strong all year long!
  • Keep Track: Log your healthy meals and daily workouts.  When you do this you are keeping yourself accountable and seeing how much progress you've made
  • Take on a Challenge: Train for a triathlon, run your first or fastest race or join a bike competition.
  • Try Something New: Switch up your workout with a boot camp, a dance class or kickboxing routine.
Fitness Magazine January 2012


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