
Showing posts from February, 2012

If You Have 15 Minutes...(part two)

You can target your biggest trouble zone. Fifteen minutes is just enough time to effectively work your lower body, burning approximitly 96 calories. Complete all of the Butt and Leg exercises using a pair of 5 to 10 pound dumbbells, working this muscle group twice a week. Perform this as a circuit, doing 3 sets. Single Leg Squat :  Stand facing away from a chair, holding dumbbells at sides.  Step forward about 2 feet.  Place top of right foot on seat and slowly bend left knee into a squat, being sure not to let knee go past toes.  Stand back up.  Do 12 reps, squat one more time with left leg and hold in down position for about 20 seconds.  Switch legs, repeat. Wall Sit with Body Weight :  Stand with your back and butt against the wall feet hip width apart and about one foot from wall.  Bend knees and slide body down wall until knees are almost at 90 degrees and in line with ankles.  Hold for 30 seconds, do 3 reps. Sin...

If You Have 15 Minutes...(part one)

You can target your biggest trouble zone.  Fifteen minutes is just enough time to effectively work your upper body, burning approximitly 96 calories. Complete all of the Shoulders/Arms exercises using a pair of 5 to 10 pound dumbbells, working this muscle group twice a week.  Perform this as a circuit, doing 4 sets of 12-15 reps each. Lateral Raise :  Stand with feet hip width aoart, holding dumbbells at sides, with palms facing in.  Lift arms out to shoulder height, keeping elbows soft, palms facing forward.  HOld for one count, and then lower.  For the last set of the circuit, do 15 reps using only right arm, the switch sides and repeat. Biceps Curl Into Shoulder Press :  Hold dumbbells in front of thighs with palms facing forward.  Bend elbows and curl weights towards shoulders Once weights are at shoulder height, tuen palms forward, bring elbows up to shoulder height, and lift weights together overhead.  Lower to start and repeat....

If You Have 5 Minutes...

You can get your heart rate soaring, jolt your energy, tone all of your muscles and help your bones!  The key to all of this is Plyometrics or jumping exercises, which are best when done in small doses, making them a perfect micro-mini workout! The following routine will burn about 43 calories, do all the moves, then repeat the sequence 1 time, resting as needed between exercises to catch your breath: Jump Squat : Stand with feet slightly more than hip width apart and squat down, keeping your knees in line with ankles.  Immediately jump back up, using your arms for momentum and land quietly in a squat.  Do 7 reps. Jump Lunge : Stand with feet hip width apart and lunge back with right foot.  Bend both knees, keeping left knee over ankle.  Exhale and jump up, switching legs midair so right leg is forward and left leg is back when you land.  DO 10 reps, alternating legs with each jump. Plyometric Push - Up : Start in push-up position (hands under shou...

Core Report

Forget EVERYTHING you know about ab exercises, Wendy Toth of Weight Watchers Magazine debunks the myth that crunches are king when it comes to flat abs! She found that crunches will tone one section of your abs, but they won't get you a flat stomach and here's why: As you crunch you're engaging your upper and middle rectus muscle (aka six-pack muscle) and giving the transversus abdominis (the corset muscle that wraps around your entire midsection) only a little work.  This is not enough to create the definition you're looking for. Weight Watchers Magazine July/August 2011