Do these five serious shapers for your best butt ever. ON YOUR MARK – Targets shoulders, arms, abs and butt Start on all fours, hands under shoulders and back flat Step left foot forward on floor by left hand, left knee bent 90 degrees Extend your left leg behind you, raising it as high as you can, pointing toes Quickly return left foot to floor by left hand Do 15 to 30 reps, switch sides and repeat Do 2 Sets SADDLEBAG TRIMMER – Targets abs, butt, inner and outer thighs Start on all fours, then lower right hip to floor so that hips, knees and ankles are staked Bring left knee into chest as you bend elbows to lower chest toward floor Straighten left arm as you extend left leg behind you Do 15-30 reps, switch sides and repeat. Do 2 sets LUNGE LEG LIFT –Targets abs, butt, hamstrings and quads Stand with feet shoulder width apart, then lunge back with left leg, raising arms in front of you shoulder height Stand up on right leg, knee slightly bent, and lift ...