Yoga Moves for a Pick-Me-Up
Studies show that some yoga poses reduce fatigue and adjust the hormone cortisol—too little of which can zap your energy. "This sequence engages your core and energizes your system from the inside out," says Women's Health yoga expert Tara Stiles. The poses also require balance, which sharpens your focus, as well as lots of deep breaths, which increase your oxygen intake to help you feel more alert. Do each of these moves in order, holding the poses for 10 deep breaths. Repeat the sequence on the other side, and continue alternating until you've done the routine three times on each side. MOVE 1 Modified Down-Dog Split Start in a pushup position, lift your hips, and move into downwardfacing dog. Take five breaths. Raise your right heel toward the ceiling as high as you can, then slowly lower your left forearm to the floor. Keep both palms flat on the floor. MOVE 2 Warrior 3 Straighten your left arm and put your right foot between your hands. Shif...