The Waist-Cinching Workout for Toned Abs and Obliques
Give your workout routine a new twist—literally. These six moves hit all of your major muscle groups with extra emphasis on your obliques to whittle your middle. Move from one exercise to the next without resting, then repeat this four-minute circuit three times with a 1-minute break in between sets. In less than 15 minutes, you’ll be on your way to defining your waist. All you’ll need: a 6- to 10-pound medicine ball or dumbbell.
—Amy Roberts, NASM-CPT
Get your heart rate pumping with this variation to the standard jumping jack. Jump out to widen your feet and send your arms into a T position (A), then jump in, crossing your legs and your arms (B). Repeat, alternating the cross of your hands and feet. Do 20 reps.
Hold a medicine ball or dumbbell goblet-style in front of your chest (A). Sit back into your squat (weight in your heels, sending your butt back) (B). As you stand, press your arms straight up while twisting your torso so you’re turned to one side (C). Squat again, straightening out your upper body on the way down; on the way up, press and twist to the opposite side. That’s one rep. Do 8-10 reps.
Set yourself in a plank position, placing a dumbbell in line with the heel of your left palm. Shift your weight into your left hand and reach for the weight with your right hand (A). Pick up the weight and pivot up into a side plank, raising the weight toward the ceiling with your arms in a T position (B). Rotate your arm back down so your right hand curls under your left forearm(C). Do 8-10 reps then switch sides. (Plank too tough? Try it on your hands and knees.)
Standing up straight, raise one knee and bend the opposite elbow (A), twisting at your midsection to bring the two joints to tap. Repeat to the opposite side (B). Do 20 reps.
Stand with your feet parallel, holding a medicine ball or dumbbell in front of your stomach (A). Step one foot backward into a lunge (B), and turn your torso so the weight crosses your front leg (C). Step forward to start position. Alternate sides for 8-10 reps. (Make it harder by doing all reps on one side then switching.)
Stand with your feet together, in line with a box and a few feet away from it. Place your hands against the box, then turn your torso so you’re resting on the outside of one foot with your legs stacked (A). From this position, do 8-10 pushups (B). Repeat on the other side. (You can make this move easier by doing the pushups against a wall.)
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