
Showing posts from February, 2014

5 Easy Ways to Start Losing Weight NOW

iStock/Thinkstock A new Gallup survey found that a full 51 percent of adults are hoping to drop pounds—yet only about half of them say they are truly doing something to downsize. We get it: Embarking on a weight-loss plan feels so daunting. But it doesn't have to be; all it takes to get started is a few tiny lifestyle tweaks that get you on your way to reaching your goal. Here, five beyond-simple weight-loss strategies to get you started: Start your day with oatmeal: Research shows  it can help keep hunger at bay better than other cereals   Ditch the guilt:  Recent research shows  beating yourself up about eating something indulgent can sabotage your weight-loss efforts . Instead, look at treating yourself as a celebratory—not shame-inducing—event.  Ignore the scale:  Numbers go up and down and stall in a plateau all the time, which can do a number on your motivation. A better idea: Focus on healthy habits rather than weigh-ins—it's likely to result in more...

Do You Have A Sugar A Sugar Blind Spot

Thinkstock How do you choose your foods? If you're a healthy eater, you probably flip over the box and peruse the nutrition panel. That's a good start—but you may need to scan smarter.  Women tend to ignore sugar content in protein- and fiber-rich foods , a new University of Iowa study shows. MORE :  "My Week Without Sugar" The researchers asked 263 women to rate the healthiness of 104 foods, such as baked tilapia, fried cheese sticks, gummy worms, and cinnamon rolls, on a scale of 1 to 100, with higher numbers indicating better-for-you foods. On average, the females placed most foods squarely in the middle of the scale. However, certain nutritional qualities seemed to strongly sway their view of the foods. For example, the women tended to rely heavily on sugar content as an indicator of healthfulness (smart ladies!)—but they made a few critical, and worrisome, exceptions to this rule. MORE:   Curb Your Sweet Tooth When foods were low in protein, the study participant...

The Winter Sport That Gives You Joy

THINKSTOCK.COM If you're hitting the slopes this winter, you might want to pick up skis instead of a snowboard.  Skiers report more pleasure and engagement than snowboarders, even if they're just casual participants , according to a new study in the journal  Applied Research in Quality of Life .  Researchers surveyed 279 visitors at three ski resorts in South Korea to look at their level of pleasure, flow (when you lose yourself in an activity), and sense of involvement after participating in either winter sport. The result: Ski bunnies came out on top. The skiers reported more pleasure and involvement in their sport than the snowboarders, which seemed to be mediated by their level of flow or engagement. And luckily, even one or very few outings had a positive effect on their mood—so there's no need to blow your bank account on a cabin for the whole season just to reap these benefits.   Women's Health Magazine PUBLISHED: DECEMBER 9, 2013  |  BY...