
Showing posts from August, 2015

Autoimmune Disease and Me

So as many of you know, I battle Hashimoto Thyroiditis (aka hypothyroidism).  Briefly - Hashimotos disease is a condition in which your immune system attacks your thyroid.  The resulting inflammation from Hashimotos often leads to an under active thyroid gland.  I've been taking medication to support my thyroid for over two years and I...of course...blame all of my weight issues on Hahimotos. Most recently I received a diagnosis of Birdshot Retinochoroidopathy (BSRC) - which is an uncommon, bilateral inflammatory disease affecting the choroid layer of the eye (between the outer sclaera and the inner retina).  It belongs to the group of disorders known as the idiopathic multifunctional white dot syndromes.  It was first really discovered in 1949 and variously called "candle wax spot retinochoroidopathy " and "rice grain retinochoroidopathy", which gives you an idea of what is seen on examining these patients.  It only gained formal recognition as...