Finding Your Squad

"There's nothing like the power of support - here's how to build your team!"

It's true. Everyone needs a squad. There's different kinds of squads too. I have a group of friends that are my squad, my ride or dies - but they aren't necessarily the same people I'd go to with my weight loss struggles. Asking them to support some of my food related choices is the extent of it for me. Not that they wouldn't do anything to help me, because they would. But none of them are currently in the same boat as me when it comes to a weight loss journey. 

This is why meetings have become very important to me. My family support is minimal. My husband wants to be supportive, but also fights most of the same food demons as me. Although his self control is far better when he sets his mind to it. My parents don't understand my food issues at all. They are in the belief that everyone should be able to eat anything they want in moderation, not recognizing that I have a different belief - whether you eat one piece of chocolate a day or all the chocolate in one sitting you're still consuming the same amount of calories (so you might as well eat the whole box right now). My in-laws are a little different. They recognize that food is an issue for them as it is for me, but they're in denial (in my opinion). They'll eat the crap and then not understand why no one is losing weight - because it was "only that one time". 

So as I said meetings have become key for me. I post my daily food journal on my Instagram and the support from my online community has been great. The group established by my Weight Watchers leader has also been great. Just this past week I posted on the Facebook group page about how I was nervous about getting on the scale. The support from my "Sunday morning friends" was great. I learned I wasn't alone and that other people are in the same place as I am. That's what's so great about the meeting room. 

The pamphlet handed out last week was about "Finding Your Squad". It focused on how to build your squad and how to utilize each of them in a way they are able to help. Most importantly you need to figure out what kind of help you actually need. Then you need to do the unthinkable (for some of us) .... ASK!! A suggestion for some easy steps to asking for help were outlined in the handout too. They were -
1. Identify who can help. Think about the people around you and consider what they can do, or stop doing to help you. 
2. Request help. Be specific as possible and explain how it will make your journey easier. For example "Would you be able to walk with me for 20min three mornings a week?" Then offer to return the favor-see if you can lend them a hand. 
3. Follow up. Let them know how their support is helping or if you'd like them to do something more or differently so you can get what you need. 

Remember that support requests don't have to involve a major effort. They could be small requests like moving a candy bowl out of sight, changing a restaurant choice or in my case asking for a different dessert be brought to dinner. 

What's also great about "finding your squad" is those same people that support you when you're down will cheer for you when you have success. How awesome is that?


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