
Who knew they were so hard to set for yourself? I mean seriously. I look at my Instagram and Facebook feeds and they constantly have people setting goals or making goals. Goals of all kinds too - not just fitness or weight related. So I ask myself "why is this so hard for you to do?" Sounds crazy to some (or all) of you I'm sure. But I've never formally set goals for myself and I've been ok with that all these years (except for the occasional time someone made me feel bad about it). I've never had career goals, which also probably explains when any ventures into things such as Mary Kay or the like never worked for me. Products don't sell themselves (as I had hoped they would). So as part of my journey to better overall health this year - by that I mean both mental and physical. I would really like to set myself some goals. I guess part of the reason I never attempted to set goals is because I tend to want to set them too hig...