Stay on Course!
"Lapses" happen - it's not, if but when.
What's important is what you do afterward.
It happens to all of us at some point. You have a slip, a setback, possibly even more than one. Maybe you're tracking less, you missed a meeting or two, or you haven't worked out in weeks/ Maybe you've gained weight, maybe you haven't. The important thing is that you get back on track at your next meal or opportunity. So forgive yourself for that slip and keep going!
According to Weight Watchers Weekly how this helps is that because its important to know that setbacks happen. They happen to everyone. They are a part of life. Don't expect to be perfect and don't throw in the towel and berate yourself when you think you've failed. That can trigger those unhelpful thoughts, which we all know can leaf to negative feelings, that then turn into further slips. This then turns into a cycle rather than a one time event. Remember that you didn't fail. Everyone slides a bit from time to time. Its never an issue of if, its when. Recognize that this is part of the process, part of your journey to the new you. What matters most is what you do after the setback and how you set yourself back up for success.
I know I am a guilty party when it comes to feeling like I let myself down. I just recently attended my 16th meeting and thought for sure I would be much further along in my weight loss journey than 7.8 pounds. What I forgot is that I just committed myself to attending a meeting every week. Every week for the last 16 weeks! That's huge. Sure it would have been great to have hit 16 weeks and 5% of my weight loss, but life happens and I'm still figuring out how bad I want this and that I'm not just going through the motions. In my last post I talked about moving more and that I just started a couch to 5K program and I signed up to actually participate in one 8 weeks from now. These first few runs have been miserable. But I'm finishing them. I'm also committing to not cancelling my Weight Watchers Membership. I'm staying until I get back to lifetime.
I've got this. My slip-ups are just a part of my journey.
According to Weight Watchers Weekly how this helps is that because its important to know that setbacks happen. They happen to everyone. They are a part of life. Don't expect to be perfect and don't throw in the towel and berate yourself when you think you've failed. That can trigger those unhelpful thoughts, which we all know can leaf to negative feelings, that then turn into further slips. This then turns into a cycle rather than a one time event. Remember that you didn't fail. Everyone slides a bit from time to time. Its never an issue of if, its when. Recognize that this is part of the process, part of your journey to the new you. What matters most is what you do after the setback and how you set yourself back up for success.
I know I am a guilty party when it comes to feeling like I let myself down. I just recently attended my 16th meeting and thought for sure I would be much further along in my weight loss journey than 7.8 pounds. What I forgot is that I just committed myself to attending a meeting every week. Every week for the last 16 weeks! That's huge. Sure it would have been great to have hit 16 weeks and 5% of my weight loss, but life happens and I'm still figuring out how bad I want this and that I'm not just going through the motions. In my last post I talked about moving more and that I just started a couch to 5K program and I signed up to actually participate in one 8 weeks from now. These first few runs have been miserable. But I'm finishing them. I'm also committing to not cancelling my Weight Watchers Membership. I'm staying until I get back to lifetime.
I've got this. My slip-ups are just a part of my journey.
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