Sunday Vibes
So I'm still in the recovery stage of having gallbladder surgery. I met with the surgeon for my follow up, he said I'm healing well and I have no dietary restrictions. But I'm land bound for the next four weeks along with no lifting over 10lbs. It came as a setback for me because I really thought I'd be cleared to go swimming while I'm on vacation but I understand the reasoning as to why (I'm healed externally but internally I'm still healing and swimming it soaking could cause a reversal of external healing). I definitely don't want that! So I'm allowed to go boating and anything else I feel up to. I had planned on trying kayaking for the first time.
Food wise, I'm just learning what works best for my body right now. I learned ice cream and I have to break up (which we were in a dicey relationship before this anyway) and sweets aren't really my friend either. The doctor tells me that at the six week mark things should all feel back to normal again. I shouldn't have anymore pain-which isn't horrible right now, more annoying. It is reminiscent of when I broke my ribs and just had discomfort all day. Night time can be a struggle sometimes. So I've been binge watching Netflix in bed at night lol.
I'm trying to stay as active as possible, my goal is to close my calorie burn goal daily on my Apple Watch, along with my stand goal. I'll wait until September to get back into an exercise routine. Which will be good since the kids will be back in school. I had wanted to do another 5K this summer, but I don't think that's a good idea right now. But maybe I can catch one on the fall instead.
I met my goal for simply leaving the house this week. I took a ride to the outlet malls on Tuesday and on Wednesday I took James to a local nature center, then to visit my husband and older son at Boy Scout Camp. This next week will be busy, but my goal is to once again get out of the house and get some sunshine in my life. Nate is going back to sleepover camp next week so it'll be just James and I again this week.
I'm heading to Weight Watchers this morning for my August weigh in and meeting. Now that I'm on weekly pay, as I mentioned in a prior post, I'll be switching to going on the first Sunday of every month. I'm hoping that this will take some of the pressure off and break the cycle I was on every week. I may hit one more meeting at the end of August so I can get my attendance charm for the summer promotion, because I'm motivated my bling for my key ring haha.
So to recap my goals for this upcoming week-
1. Stress less and remember that what I'm experiencing is just a temporary setback.
2. Drink 120oz of water daily
3. Continue tracking every day
4. Get out of the house for sometime fun at least 2X
5. Get out for a walk of some sort daily-to start getting some sort of exercise.
Here's to next week!
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