
Showing posts from October, 2017

Shift Your Thinking

See how a “growth” mindset can help you succeed . “Our mindsets are not set in stone. According to Carol S. Dwell PHD, a professor of psychology at Stanford University and the author of Mindset: The New Psychology Of Success, we often switch from one point of view to another in our daily life, depending on the situation. When it comes to weight loss, being able to shift from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset can help.” When you have a growth mindset you are more open to hide new experiences and chances to improve our self. In the opposite, if you have a fixed mindset you tend to have the idea of “it is what it is” and don’t allow for growth. “Criticism lodges in our minds as truth and setbacks may seem insurmountable.”  Having this mindset can hamper our weight loss efforts. “Shifting to a growth mindset can unleash positive, powerful changes. You’ll see your weight loss journey as one if progress and learning. Having a growth mindset leads you to re...

Make Your Meetings Matter

Show up each week and you’re more likely to win at losing. Here’s how to make it happen. Weight Watchers meetings are so much more than stepping on the scale each week. You pick up lots of useful information, both from your leader and other members. Weight Watchers meetings are a welcoming community that help to keep you inspired and motivated. One of things we talk about in the meeting room is putting yourself first and this is a great way to do just that! “On the days that it’s the hardest to get to your meeting, are often the days you need it the most.”  We all know those days-the one where you “just know” that the scale is going to be up. But you don’t have to get on the scale. My leader always says - come for the meeting and then decide once you’re there if you want to face the scale. But it’s never “required”. The Weight Watchers Weekly quotes some figures that state how much more weight you tend to lose when attending meetings. I’ll be the first to t...

Boost Awareness

Tracking gives you insights, keeps you focused and helps you succeed. The evidence is clear!  Tracking helps you lose weight by making you aware of what and how much you're eating,'s up to you on when and how to track!  Some people pre-track all their meals, using it as a guide for the day so they won't stray.  Others prefer to track as they go.  I know I vary between the two.  Some weeks I've sat down on a Sunday and planned my whole upcoming week.  Other weeks, like this week, I'm playing catch up on my tracking.  It's not about being perfect, its using that mindful piece and using your tracker as a tool to help reach those goals. How it helps- when you're tracking, it helps you stick to your calorie or point goals and you are able to budget on if something is "worth" eating. This is especially important at certain times in your journey, like when you're just starting, after a vacation or when you haven' t been to a meeting ...