Master Your Time
How to find more time for what matters most to you. So what does time management really mean? We all know the feeling- there's so much to do but so little time! That's where managing your schedule can help. You can't build more hours into your day...although some days we wish that was possible! But we can begin to use our time effectively, because when we do it feels like we have more of it! As you look at your day and what takes up your time, you can pinpoint what's helping you reach your goals on and off the scale - not to mention what's getting in your way! How all this helps is that studies have shown that lack of time is a key barrier to eating healthy, moving more and losing weight. Once you zero in on the things in your day that take up some of your precious time, you will be able to eliminate some and make room for the important things. You know- like your family and yourself! When we feel more control of our time and what we do with...