Allover Toning Workout for Walkers
These are some post walk sculpting moves that are Pilate's based. Three times a week try to throw these moves in at the end of your walk.
Click here for a printable version of this workout.
Standing Saw (Targets back, abs, obliques, inner thighs and hamstrings)
Sumo Side Crunch (Targets abs, obliques, butt and inner thighs)
Leg Circle (Targets shoulder, butt, inner and outer thighs)
Fitness Magazine April 2011
Click here for a printable version of this workout.
Plie Squat and Releve Combo (Targets your butt, inner thighs and hamstrings)
- Stand with feet together, toes turned out slightly, arms by sides
- Step left foot out to side so that feet are now wider than shoulder width apart and your toes are turned out.
- Lower your body into a plie squat, bringing your arms out to your side about chin level.
- Return to start.
- Step right leg in next to left then rise tall onto toes, squeezing legs together from heel to hip working your inner thighs.
- Bring hands to touch in front of rib cage.
- Lower heels back to start and repeat in the opposite direction, stepping out with right foot, complete one rep.
- Do 2 sets of 10 reps
- Stand tall with feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart, arms extended out to sides at shoulder level.
- Keeping your lower body still, rotate your torso to the right, twisting your head and arms with trunk.
- When you are rotated as far as possible hinge forward from your hips to touch left hand to the outside of right foot, reaching your right arm directly up.
- Return to start position, switching sides to complete 1 rep.
- Do 2 sets of 10 reps.
- Stand with feet wider than shoulder width apart, toes turned out 45 degrees
- Bring hands to touch behind your head, with elbows bent out to sides, and lower into a sumo squat.
- Maintaining a squat, side bend at waist to bring right elbow to right knee
- Repeat left side to complete 1 rep.
- So 2 sets of 10 reps
- Stand with feet hip width apart, arms out to side at shoulder level.
- Lift right leg forward a few inches off the floor, toes turned out, to get into start position.
- Draw 10 large clockwise circles with right leg, then 10 counterclockwise.
- Switch legs, repeat, do 2 sets
Love Handle Leg Lift (Targets butt and hips)
- Stand with feet hip width apart, arms reaching forward at shoulder level, palms facing one another.
- Lift right leg behind you as high as you can. Point your toe, leaning slightly forward to counterbalance.
- Lower right leg to floor without touching; now repeat lift (want to make it harder? Do 10 pulses at the top of each lift)
- Do 10 reps, switch legs and repeat. Do 2 sets.
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