Stand Up Abs
Sick of having to get down on the floor to work out your midsection? This workout from the July/August 2011 Weight Watchers Magazine gives you a stand up option!
Single Leg Stand
Do the following circuit 3 times, flowing from one move right to the next. Total workout time: 10 minutes, who can’t spare 10 minutes?
Praying Mountain Pose:
- Stand tall with feet together, all weight on your heels.
- Lift toes, bringing palms together (in like a praying position)
- Lower toes, press chest forward to meet hands, and press your elbows forward to open your shoulder blades.
- Press heels into floor, feeling your spine lengthen, engaging your abs.
- Hold for 1 minute
- From final position of Praying Mountain Pose, lower your hands to sides and bend your knees slightly
- Slowly lift right leg about 5 inches off the floor, balancing on left leg
- Keep abs engaged and spine lengthened, hold for 40 seconds
- Lower right leg, now repeat with left side
Standing Hip Openers
- From final position of Single Leg Stand, lift right knee up to hip level
- Slowly swing right knee across body and then out to the right side, keeping abs tight, spine lengthened and hips square
- Hold for 30 seconds, slowly bringing right leg back to center, and then lower
- Repeat on left side.
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