Action Hero Hot-Body Yoga
Build a slim, trim body like screen siren Kate Beckinsale with these muscle-sculpting mat moves Strange as it sounds, Kate Beckinsale prepares for the physically demanding job of playing futuristic fighters and werewolf hunters with a yoga-based routine. She also practices qigong, a discipline involving controlled breathing and fluid movements that's similar to tai chi. In addition to making her physically strong, yoga and qigong help Kate relax. Want an action-star body like Kate's? Her instructor, Mandy Ingber, let us in on her body-sculpting moves. Do two or three sets of each four or five days a week. MOVE 1 Down-Dog Split with Knee Drives Begin in downward facing dog, then raise your left leg to move into down-dog split (a). Bend your left knee and pull it toward your forehead (b). Straighten the leg back, then bring the knee outside your left elbow. Straighten the leg again, then bring the knee toward your right elbow. Repeat three times. Switch legs and repeat. ...