
Showing posts from May, 2015

Day Ten, Eleven, Twelve & Thirteen

Apparently I've been slacking! Whoops, sorry for not posting daily life went ahead and got in the way again. I've been doing ok on the cleanse, but if I'm going to be completely honest, I've been eating some processed snacks that's have no business eating-cleanse or not. Processed foods and sugars sure do have a tight hold on me. I've been able to give up pasta and bread-so why not the other stuff. It's frustrating especially when I figured I'd easily drop 20lbs doing this cleanse and that is most definitely not the case. However lately the thought has crossed my mind that I'm simply not eating enough. So today I'll be tracking my calorie intake, which I haven't done since starting the cleanse. I'll also be trying my very hardest not to eat anything on the "no eat" list today. I'll be going to a family BBQ this afternoon with all the things that will tempt me. So we'll see how it goes! Here's the meals from the past ...

Day Eight & Nine

Things are still going well on the no carb front for me. I can't say the same about sugar. I am still craving it in the worst way. I stopped taking Gymena(to help curb the sugar cravings) daily when the cleanse began, I think I need to add that back in and see if that helps. I also felt kinda bloated and crappy after dinner. I was eating cheese for the first time in 9 days. I LOVE cheese, but it seems that cheese no longer loves me. Which is a great thing to know. I probably never noticed before because I was bloated from all the bread I was eating.  Smoothies have continued to be my staple. Here's day eight and nine for food- Breakfast-smoothie & 2 eggs, Lunch- Smoothie, Dinner-spaghetti squash with meat sauce-loaded with portobello mushrooms, tomato and onions Breakfast-smoothie and eggs, Lunch-Smoothie, Dinner- cauliflower pizza with spinach and goat cheese

Cleanse Week One Complete

Was I expecting insane results...yes. Did I cheat....yes. Did I get in what I put out...yes. So all in all I'm satisfied with my results. My belly is getting flatter, feeling less bloated. I admit to cheating with sweets a few times. Apparently their hold on my is tighter then bread and pasta. I haven't had any of those in a week. I will continue to do my best in this next week, adding in some exercise. I haven't done any in well over a week. I used the cleanse as a crutch as to why I couldn't exert myself. Lame I know.  So off to the next week, I hope you continue to follow my progress.  Here's a week one picture side by side.  I weighed in this morning at 205.4, a 3.8lb loss for the week. 

Day Seven-Cleanse

Day seven, last day of the cleanse capsules. I can't say I will miss taking all those capsules. Today was one of the easier days for me. I worked out in the yard, my personal slice of paradise as I like to call it and it distracted both me and the kids from becoming irritated at one another. Which then of course leads me to do the right thing when it comes to food.  Here's a look at today's food- Breakfast-Smoothie, Lunch-salad with a turkey dog, Dinner-beef & mushroom kabobs with quinoa

Day Five & Six Cleanse

Days 5 & 6 are done and you'd think by now I'd have the food rules down pat. I don't. Day six was nothing short of embarrassing. I started out fantastic. Then life got in the way.  In the early afternoon I found myself super agitated at just about everything. The kids were misbehaving, the house was a mess and I had a million and one things to do. I quickly found myself back in my old habits. I had poptarts. I felt like I blew the whole plan. I'm embarrassed to even write it out. I stress eat. Even with trying as hard as I can to clean eat I can't stop myself. My body rejected the sugars and crap snack within a short time. I definitely paid for my poor choice. I'm also not sure that it will deter me from doing it again.  With all that said I will celebrate my victory against eating all the party foods tonight. I went to a wine tasting and there were no "approved" foods there for me. I politely declined. I had a few sips of wine for the tasting, but...

Goodbye Lily Boxing..Hello Destination: True Self

I've changed the name of the blog beginning today.  I figured I'd make the formal announcement before changing all of the names on social media.  Feel free to read the Welcome page for the in depth reason for the change, but the short reason is Lily Boxing didn't seem to fit where I am in life right now.  I hope you'll continue to follow my blog.  Thanks! Jenn

Day Four - Cleanse

Day four down. Feeling a little better about things today. Keeping lean proteins in has been helping me feel full longer. I snuck a bite of cheese today. I'm not sure if that what was gave me the massive stomach ache, but I won't be sneaking cheese again for a while. Apparently I am a do it and learn the hard way kind of girl. 😁  Here's what was on the menu -

Day Three - Cleanse

Saying that today wasn't a challenge would be a lie. I started the day off great, then around 2pm I found myself caving to one of my weaknesses...frosted animal crackers. I bought them for the kids, knowing full well I would have a hard time resisting. So after I indulged I felt like crap, my stomach bloated and of course I confessed to my group that I'm cleansing with. They were all so supportive. It was a great feeling. I'm hoping these cravings subside even a little.  Here's what made my menu today - minus those tempting crackers! Egg whites, smoothie and water for breakfast Spaghetti squash with marina sauce-loaded with diced tomatoes and onions for lunch Steamed cod with California melody veggies for dinner with a smoothie

Day Two - Cleanse

Today was less stressful around the house so that helped me not want to snack on things I shouldn't. No headaches today, however my energy was on the lower side. I got tired out quickly. I also ended up adding a protein at dinner time since I was feeling so lethargic.  Here were some of the things I ate today, along with 2 SP smoothies.  Half of an acorn squash baked with butter and paprika Lentil soup Hamburger with A1 sauce and whipped carrots and parsnips  

Day One - Cleanse

Well. I somewhat survived day one of my cleanse.  I am a wicked carb addict, so I instantly craved them. So badly at times that I could have sworn I could taste the snack I was imagining. Sad I know. The smoothies were good, they helped me feel like I was getting a treat.  Dinner time was the toughest. I made spaghetti squash for myself and regular pasta for my family. I snuck a strand and felt bad after. 😁 I couldn't tell if the sudden summer weather we're having or the cleanse had me extra irritable, but I also had my oldest son home from school yesterday with a sprained ankle.  I'm hoping that day two will go smoother. Here's pictures of lunch and dinner- Portobello Mushroom pan fried in organic butter with romaine lettuce & organic balsamic vinegar dressing   Spaghetti Squash with marinara sauce with diced tomatoes and onions  

Beginning Stats 21 Day Cleanse

Well. I am back at 209.2 as of this morning. I'm sure the pizza and bagels I consumed yesterday as part of my "last meals" didn't help. 😁 Beginning stats- Weight-209.2 Hips-46 Waist-39.5 Bust-37 Left Arm-15 Left Thigh-28 Left Calf-16.25 Body fat-37.5%

21 Day Standard Process Cleanse

Tomorrow I begin my very first cleanse. I have chose to do the 21day Standard Process cleanse, upon recommendation from a trusted friend and attending a seminar about the company, Standard Process. I am a little nervous and a little excited all at the same time. I am not what you would call a vegetable fan. I just recently, within the last year, started introducing them into my daily diet. I chose to do this cleanse for the most basic of reasons, to force a reboot of my metabolism, my body, my mind and my diet. Carbohydrates have always been my weakness. My hopes are that with doing this cleanse, I will learn to eat healthier and have a clearer mind and also feel more grounded.  This time of year is one of the best times of the year to do a full 21 day cleanse.  It's spring, when all things are growing, seeds are being planted, everything becomes renewed. What an amazing feeling it will be to do this for myself. Renew and energize myself for the summer. I'll be posting daily o...