Walk it out

Longer days and milder weather - make now the perfect time to step out! Did you know that walking is the most popular form of activity? After all, humans are built for it! It's something you're doing already in a daily life, so consider adding a few minutes her and there each day or if you're already walking, doing it more often or for more time. Walk on your own terms: You can do it indoors or out, on a flat surface or incline, on a trail or sidewalk and you dont need to join a gym or buy pricey equipment to do it. All you need is a comfortable pair of shoes. According to Weight Watchers Weekly, how this helps is as the weather turns milder and the air is fresh and warm, getting outside for a walk can boost your mood and your physical health. Research shows that brisk walking 30 minutes a day can help keep lost weight off. Its also a great excuse to spend time with family or friends, be sure to keep a steady pace that still let...