3 Pilates Moves for Super Hot Abs


Want an extra challenge. . .and an even sleeker stomach? Add these calorie-torching "afterburner" ab moves to your workout. And then check out Brooke Siler's incredible book, The Women's Health Big Book of Pilates, for even more toning and whittlingPilates workouts.


MOVE 1Kneeling Butterfly
Beth Bischoff

Kneel on the mat facing away from the anchor, knees hip-width apart. Raise your arms out to shoulder height and lean forward slightly, keeping your body in a straight line from head to knees (a). Inhale and twist your torso to the left, pulling the right handle overhead and the left just behind your hip, maintaining equal tension in the bands as you twist(b). Exhale and slowly return to start. Repeat, twisting to the other side. That's one rep. Do four.

Quick Tip: Brace your core and squeeze your glutes before you start.

MOVE 2Side-Bend Arm Circles
Beth Bischoff

Holding both ends of the bands, walk your knees farther away from the anchor for more tension, then bend to the side toward the anchor and place your inside fist on the floor; extend your top leg away from you and raise the band overhead (a). Keeping your core tight, inhale and draw your arm above your top hip (b), then exhale as you continue to circle the band around (c) until your hand returns to the starting position. That's one rep. Repeat three times and then repeat three full circles in the opposite direction.

Quick Tip: Keep your hip directly over your knee throughout the exercise.

MOVE 3Lotus
Beth Bischoff

Grab the band's handle with your right hand and kneel at the far end of the mat. With your right side facing the anchor, raise both arms to shoulder height(a). Inhale and raise both arms overhead, trying to touch your hands together (b). Exhale and slowly return to start. Do four reps per side.

Women's Health Magazine


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