
I figured its a new season and I'm about to start down a new weight loss path, so why not change up how Lily Boxing looks! So I spent some time today freshening up the blog page style and the pages are still undergoing some updates, but it's well on its way.
Tomorrow I'm going to meet with a nutritionist so she can get me started on a more nutritious meal plan than I'm on now. I've been following Weight Watchers since about three weeks postpartum with James. I've been steadily losing weight, but want to make a full lifestyle change at the same time as I lose weight. So my hopes are that she can teach me to make more nutritional choices than I am making now.
I'll keep you posted on how it goes tomorrow and check out the updated page-tell me what you think. I plan on posting the new workouts and receipes I find during this new road to complete wellness I'm taking. 
~Wish me luck~ 


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