Hot Legs!

Here’s a 15 minute lower body workout.  Click here for printable version
Diagonal Leg: Targets abs, obliques, butt, quads, hamstrings, calves
·         Lie face up on the floor with knees bent, keeping your feet flat with your hands on the floor by your hips
·         Lift your hips off the floor and tuck your left foot under your right thigh (left knee should be pointing left)
·         Keep your hips lifted during the whole time, bring left knee out to un-tuck your foot, then extend your leg diagonally up and to the left
·         Return foot to tucked in position.  Do 20 reps, then switch sides and repeat.
·         Do 2 sets
Side-Lunge Butt Kicker: Targets abs, obliques, butt, quads, hamstrings
·         Stand with feet hip-width apart, arms by sides
·         Lunge to right with right leg, keeping toes pointed forward and bending right knee 90 degrees.  Hinge forward from hips and touch the floor.
·         Push off right foot to stand on left leg as you bend right knee to bring foot towards butt, reaching with your left hand behind you to tap your right foot, quickly return to side lunge.
·         So 20 reps, switch legs
·         Do 2 sets
Thigh Thinners: Targets butt, quads, hamstrings
·         Stand with feet shoulder width apart, arms by sides
·         Bend knees and hinge forward from hips to touch hands to floor a few inches in front of feet.  Lift left foot behind you a few inches off the floor and point knee slightly to the left
·         Lift bent leg diagonally behind you to the right
·         Swing left knee back down toward left
·         Do 20 reps, switch legs and repeat
·         Do 2 sets
Carving Curtsy: Targets abs, obliques, butt, inner thighs, quads, hamstrings
·         Stand with feet shoulder width apart, elbows bent by sides, hands in front of chest
·         Lunge back with left leg, bringing left foot toward right and bending both knees 90 degrees into a curtsy, swing bent left arm forward, right arm back
·         Stand up on right leg, bringing bent knee directly out to side at hip level and tapping left hand on left knee
·         Quickly return to curtsy lunge. Do 20 reps, switch sides and repeat.
·         Do 2 sets
Golf Swing: Targets abs, obliques, butt, inner thighs, quads
·         Stand with feet wider than shoulder width apart, toes turned out slightly, elbows bent with hands in front of you
·         Lower into squat
·         Return to standing, balancing on left leg as you swing extended right leg diagonally across body to left (lift right leg as high as you can)
·         Quickly return to squat.  Do 20 reps, switch sides
·         Do 2 sets
“Get Fit Express Workout” pg 56 June 2011 Fitness Magazine


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