Break Out Of Your Breakfast Rut

Swap your usual breakfast for one one of these tasty alternatives and you'll enjoy your a.m. meal more and stay energized until lunch! David Grotto R.D. author of 101 Optimal Life Foods has the following breakfast pick me ups:

  1. The usual oatmeal..make it better...with about 4 grams of fiber per half cup oatmeal is a perfect filling breakfast to have.  Without the right toppings it can get boring quick!  Grotto recommends whipping up an "oatmeal au lait"
    • Stir together 1 cup steel-cut oatmeal
    • 2 teaspoons instant coffee
    • 1 tablespoon agave syrup
    • 1/4 cup nonfat milk
    • 1/2 cup water
    • Microwave for 1 min 45 sec (each bowl contains 363 calories and 5 grams fat)
  2. The usual toast & jam...make it better...there are some people that don't care for traditional breakfast so they opt for something small, like toast says Daniela Jakubowicz, M.D, author of The Big Breakfast Diet, but carbs alone won't hold you over all morning.  She advises having typical lunchtime fare for breakfast.  So instead of butter or jelly on toast make it whole grain toast with jelly and peanut butter or make a TLT, with turkey lettuce and tomato.
  3. The usual egg omelet...make it better...add nutrients and flavor to a plain two egg omelet by folding in leftovers, like chicken, sauteed spinach or roasted squash says Grotto.  Round it out with a slice of multi grain toast and you've got a satisfying meal for less than 315 calories.
  4. The usual deli muffin...make it better...oversize bakery versions can pack up to 800 calories and 41 grams of fat, swap your staple for an English muffin topped with peanut butter, a sliced banana and a small handful of chocolate chips.  The protein and fiber rich banana gives this meal its staying power and cuts 427 calories and 27 grams of fat.
Shape Magazine November 2010


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